Saturday, August 30, 2008

Charles Darwin

Why would any self-respecting museum come to Cleveland or Pittsburgh to audition actors to play Charles Darwin when they specifically require an authentic Shropshire accent? Why not go to England where there must be a large number of authentic Shropshire-accented people? But I auditioned anyway on Friday. Go figure.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I've got to learn how to use my cell phone as a camera. Last evening I went into the backyard, and there was a beautiful doe looking at me. I tried to take her picture, but I guess I blew it, because I don't have it. When my aunt called me on the cell the noise caused the deer to gracefully head into the woods, so I didn't get a second chance.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Janet Munro

Janet Munro is another wonderful Disney girl. In SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON she first appears in disguise. Hayley Mills father, John Mills, plays the family's sire. Janet was with Sean Connery in DARBY O'GILL AND THE LITTLE PEOPLE and almost climbed the Matterhorn in THIRD MAN ON THE MOUNTAIN. Sadly, she passed away while still young.

Hayley Mills

"Pollyanna" is my favorite Disney live-action film. This picture is from "The Parent Trap" since it shows Hayley Mills with both long and short hair as identical twins seperated while still babies.
I was very fortunate to see the grown-up Ms Mills in two one acts by Noel Coward in New York and got to take a 3D (stereo) portrait of her as she was leaving the theatre.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Mom

Friday night I had a scare when Mom came to me with a tube of Lanacane for me to put on my bug bites. But when she tried to tell me her intentions, nonsense words came out of her mouth. Her doctor ordered me to take her to the Medina General emergency room where they figured she'd had a mini stroke.
She's back home now after two days of their horrible food. I took her to Bob Evans for dinner last night. Now she has a round of doctors appointments to fulfill.
Thank you for your prayers on her behalf. God answered them all.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Car Shows

People in Ohio love cars. Especially old ones. If they're not buying classic vehicles and fancying them up, then they go to see the ones their neighbors purchased and gussied. So Saturday I took my trusty dig-cam to Laurel Square Shopping Center in Brunswick, OH and posted some pictures at my facebook account.